Terms & Conditions

    Child-friendly Terms of Use


    Everything you do on StepsWeb can be seen and managed by your teacher.

    Sometimes we (StepsWeb) will see and manage what you do while helping your teacher.

    The other students in your school cannot see what you do.



    StepsWeb should improve your literacy if you use it correctly, but we don't promise it.

    We will try really hard to keep StepsWeb available all the time, but we don't promise it.

    If we lose your data, then we will try our best to fix it, but we are not required to do so.


    Using StepsWeb

    You are not allowed to try to change or damage StepsWeb in any way.

    Don't tell anyone your password, or share how you log in to StepsWeb.

    If you're having a problem with StepsWeb, ask your teacher.  If they don't know how to solve the problem, then we will help them.


    Legal issues

    We are based in New Zealand, so any legal problems need to be resolved in New Zealand as well.


    Account termination

    We are allowed to delete your account for any reason, although we are unlikely to do that unless you're breaking the rules.

    If you stop using StepsWeb for more than 18 months, then we will delete your data.


    Intellectual Property

    We own everything that you send to StepsWeb, but will only use it to make StepsWeb work.

    You are not allowed to copy anything from StepsWeb.