StepsWeb supports a structured literacy approach, providing an easy-to-follow, individualised literacy pathway for your children.
StepsWeb was created by literacy expert, Ros Lugg. As a result, every activity in StepsWeb is research-based - even the games!
The StepsWeb Course progression is based on the Science of Reading and structured literacy principles. This makes StepsWeb an ideal resource for children, particularly for dyslexic and high need learners.
StepsWeb workbooks are ideal for providing additional support for struggling students. Our workbooks align with the StepsWeb online Course Levels and can be purchased from the StepsWeb Store on your Home Welcome Screen.
Our selection of workbooks and hands-on resources are perfect for reinforcing literacy skills, helping children who learn best through practical, one-on-one activities.
We recommend struggling and learners beginning their literacy journey use the workbooks alongside the online Course.
While the StepsWeb Course follows a structured, research-based literacy progression, Custom Wordlists provide a great opportunity to tailor your child’s learning. When your child comes home from school with a spelling list to learn, you can enter the list into StepsWeb for them to practise.
Custom Wordlists allow you to add and record your own words, sentences, and definitions – and add images. StepsWeb will then create dozens of online and printable activities for that list. This is a great way to make learning meaningful and motivating.
"My son is 9 and dyslexic. He uses StepsWeb every day, and the workbooks that go with it. It was recommended to us by a learning support teacher at his school. At times he finds it challenging but he is able to use it by himself now.
It is very well structured and organised. I can see that his writing and spelling are improving so it is well worth the price."
Charlotte, Parent
"The girls loved StepsWeb last night. Our eldest daughter had to be dragged away from the computer to have dinner and was very proud of her gold and silver medals.
She also liked the idea of being able to bring home words from school that she is focussing on and adding them to the program.
Our younger daughter was watching over her shoulder and has booked in her turn after school today. It is great when they are so keen to learn."
Richard C. parent
"The program is intuitive and easy to navigate making it easy for a child use independently.
Whilst the activities are game based and engaging there are no nasty pop ups or side bar activities to distract children.
I have seen amazing results with the students I tutor. I highly recommend this program to parents, teachers and tutors."
Kim M. Tutor
Sign up for our 14 day free trial and add your children to the program.
Explore the parent login - have a play! You could even assign some activities and games.
Have your children log into their StepsWeb accounts and take the Placement test - and they’re on their way!